Tadeusz Boruta

Paintings by Tadeusz Boruta

The winner of numerous awards, Tadeusz Boruta, Professor at the University of Rzeszow in Poland, received scholarships in Rome in 1986 and in Lugano in 1995. From 1992 to 1993, he painted altar paintings in the former Benedictine Monastery in Monte San Savino, Italy. Boruta designed  frescoes and stained glass windows in many Catholic churches throughout Poland.

Tadeusz Boruta authored the following books about art: “Szkoła Patrzenia” (The Art of Looking) 2003, “O Malowaniu Duszy i Ciała” (About painting body and soul) 2006 and “Figur-racja” (Figur-ration) in 2009 and wrote over 100 articles on art, published in: “Tygodnik Powszechny”, “Znak”, “Sacrum et Decorum”, “Res Publica Nowa”, “Art & Business” and “Życie Duchowe”.