David Belle: Pakour

David Belle, Film Gif Excerts from “District 13” and “Brick Mansions”

Born in April of 1973, David Belle is a French actor, film choreographer and stunt coordinator. He is deemed the founder or leading pioneer of the physical discipline known as parkour. The term is based on the teachings of his father Raymond Belle and the exceptionally skilled training necessary for parkour’s execution.

Belle came to fame via his parkour videos and film appearances as Leïto in the 2000 “District 13” and 2009 “District 13: Ultimatum”, both written and produced by Luc Besson. He also appeared in Camille Delamarre’s 2014 American remake “Brick Mansions”. Belle was a consultant on the production of “Babylon A.D.”, “Prince of Persia”, “Colombiana” and “The Family”.

Note: There are quite a few parkour videos available online, one of which is “Still Alive”, a nine-minute excerpt from “District 13”. Set to music, it follows Belle’s fast-paced escape across rooftops, through windows, and down twisted flights of stairs. The video shows Belle’s agility, concentration, and skill in the parkour discipline. “Still Alive” is available for viewing on different sites at YouTube.